TIGERS are sad because people have killed many of their friends & relatives. Tigers are now an endangered species; Today there are only about 5,000 to 7,400 tigers left in the world. These tigers would soon die if people do not stop hunting them. It is estimated that 100 years ago, there were 50,000 to 80,000 tigers in India alone. Three types of tigers, The Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers have become extinct (not even one of them is left in this world.) in the past 70 years.
There are two reasons why tigers are endangered:
1) Habitat loss:
People cut forests where tigers live, to do farming, build houses & buildings. This leads to tiger becoming homeless and foodless. Animals which the tiger eats also die when forests are cut. This leads to tigers becoming weak and ultimately they die.
2) Illegal Killing:
Tigers are killed to make rugs and coats out of their skins, and also because in many Asian cultures medicines made from tiger parts are believed to cure diseases. Tigers and many other endangered species are killed illegally for their skins and body parts. Products made from rare wild animals such as spotted cats, tigers, rhinos, and elephants are still sold illegally.
There are two reasons why tigers are endangered:
1) Habitat loss:
People cut forests where tigers live, to do farming, build houses & buildings. This leads to tiger becoming homeless and foodless. Animals which the tiger eats also die when forests are cut. This leads to tigers becoming weak and ultimately they die.
2) Illegal Killing:
Tigers are killed to make rugs and coats out of their skins, and also because in many Asian cultures medicines made from tiger parts are believed to cure diseases. Tigers and many other endangered species are killed illegally for their skins and body parts. Products made from rare wild animals such as spotted cats, tigers, rhinos, and elephants are still sold illegally.
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